Anne Klesse presents our article "The Secret Ingredient is Me: Customization Prompts Self-Image Consistent Product Perceptions" in this great video edited by Rotterdam School of Management.
Poets and Quants nominated me as one of the best 40 MBA Professors under 40 years old. Read my interview about food research, consumer behavior, and the Pet Shop Boys here!
My interview in German magazine Psychologie Heute, on the cognitive drivers of satiation
In my Undergraduate and MBA classes, I ask my students to create a 2 by 2 experiment using Facebook Ads. They are required to test the effectiveness of 2 messages or ads across 2 segments of consumers. I created this video tutorial to help them. Geeky stuff : I recently struggled to insert and autoplay a sound (or video) clip in a Qualtrics survey. It's eventually more complicated than it seems. Check out my method here.
Pierre Chandon, Aradhna Krishna and I wrote on op-ed in The Conversation (France and USA), about our article on the Placebo effects of alcohol recently published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology
Conversation USA : Conversation France : I was interviewed by Global News on our recent article published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Watch the video here, or click on the image. Believing a cocktail contains an energy drink makes you feel more drunk - UBC Sauder Video7/11/2017 UBC Sauder School of Business made a video on our recent article published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology
Watch the video here or click on the image I participated in the French Canadian radio show "Bien dans son assiette", on Radio Canada. I talked about my research on the relation between eating and well-being. Here's the link.
AuthorYann Cornil, Assistant Professor of Marketing at UBC. Archives
October 2019